Additional Services

*Bereavement Counseling

sun02*Conflict Coaching: Conflict coaching can be used as a tool before a mediation session or as stand alone method. It is a one-on-one process to develop conflict understanding, interaction strategies and or interaction skills. It allows one to work out a plan of action that will give them the power to face the conflict at hand.

*Elder Mediation is a rational first step for families to help them address their changing needs. It gives them a forum to exchange thoughts and for shared decision making and balance the emotional health for all those affected by the changing family dynamics.

*Faith-Based Mediation

*ABM will speak to groups, individuals and families to begin the process on how to prepare for death: “Let’s talk Death & Life” an open conversation on what is needed and why.

*ABM also offers funeral rituals performed in the Buddhist tradition, as well as other spiritual traditions upon request.

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